Anyone out here who does IF and has lost chunk of weight without a lot of exercising?

So IF is just a tool to regulate you’re eating. Reason IF has resulted in weight loss is bc ppl just eat one less meal, thus less calories, than they usually would. That’s how it should work in theory.

You can 100% lose weight without the gym but keep in mind that exercising will help you in the long run by reducing body fat and increasing muscle. Muscle also weighs more than fat so don’t focus everything on a number on the scale.

My advice for you would be to start doing CICO along with IF. CICO is basically calorie in calorie out. Get an app like “my fitness pal” or “lose it” and put in your info. It will help you count calories and help you track your goals.

Common mistake ppl make is underestimating calories. Be honest with yourself this is marathon not a sprint.

/r/intermittentfasting Thread