Why I even bother going to Twitter

|:| - CH CRINGE CRIME CASE #01 |:|
- Suspect(s): United Soviet Socialist Republic.
- Victim(s): Russian Federation
- Crime(s) Committed: Sexual Aggression, Rape
- Frame one: The USSR (Potential Suspect) is seen swearing while badly cooking waffle, Noticing his Anger.
- Frame two: Russia (Victim) enters the kitchen, trying to get the USSR to calm down, without success.
- Frame three: The USSR grabs Russia's chest, holding it tightly without space for Russia to escape.
- Frame four: The USSR and Russia have [CENSORED]

|:| Case Closed, Suspect arrested and Victim is safe, with no injuries. |:|
- The Police Department of the Anti-CH-Cringe Province of Redditland [PDACHCPR]

/r/CountryhumansCringe Thread Link - reddit.com