Every modern game has a fov slider by now.

You can alleviate motion sickness by moving your monitor further back (or sometimes forward). You want to match your viewing angle with your in-game FOV. Here's a diagram.

This gets tricky with cross-platform games. Console games usually have lower FOV because gamers are much further from their TV, and PC has higher because gamers are close to their monitor. You want to find a good balance that makes it feel like you're looking through a window. But developers have to find a middle ground that works for both and it's usually around 80, which is really low for PC but pretty large for console.

Also some gamers swear enabling an onscreen crosshair can help as well.

It's unfortunate it's a point of balance in this game and we will probably never have a slider :/

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it