Sadako shares some insight (Courtesy of C3)

Saying you don't care about other peoples fun in a multiplayer game is a psychotic take IMO.

Like, you're playing with real people that have real feelings and real experiences. I know it's hard to grasp that through DBD end game chat but your actions do actually matter and they do actually have an effect. Those are real people controlling the other characters, not bots.

This mindset I see on this sub of "your fun isn't my responsibility" is just purposfully dehumanizing other people online to justify being a shitty person, it's insane. Hell even if you have the mindset of "I'm not going to play shitty but if you're not having fun it's not my responsibility" is still a really fucking shitty and insane way of thinking. Do people on here just cease to have empathy for others once they're playing a game with them? You genuinely don't care if a person you're playing a game with has fun so long as YOU'RE having fun? You have absolutely no empathy for someone so long as you don't get to interact with them in person? Just boot up DBD with them instead and suddenly their feelings don't matter or effect you at all? That's a physcopathic take and a lot of people on this sub hold it.

If someone in my game isn't having fun, I'M not going to have fun either. That's a person I'm dealing with not a bot, and if they're not enjoying the game with methen what's the fucking point? Why would I want to have fun at someone elses expense? If you did that in any situation that's offline people would think you're crazy but because it's online and you don't see peoples faces suddenly it's fine? I don't know how y'all can just shrug that off like you have nothing to do with it or like other peoples thoughts don't matter at all lol.

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