The knight just released. Why am I not seeing him that much in my survivors matches?

Well first he is Buggy, the game is in a really bad state right now, I'm probably taking a few weeks off since there isn't really any new content beyond a few fun perks.

I already played the knight last year when the artist released, I don't think I've ever gotten bored of a killer so quickly. Which sucks because I've been begging for a medieval knight for years. Really thought they would have learned their lesson with the negative reaction to the zombie AI, but instead they base an entire power off of AI which just creates another boring, zoning anti-loop killer with guaranteed Downs in most cases unless the survivors get interconnected loops, and in that case it's just boring w holding since he is just a worse version of artist. Not to mention how miserable he is to go against as survivor. The few times I did go against him instead of other, stronger Killers sweating their asses off with the same builds. And Nurses already abusing nowhere to hide and the fact that the aura reading moves with you instead of being based off of the generator you kick.

The few people I am seeing play him are abusing his scummy camping strats or going out of their way to be horrible to the survivors they go against.

Not to mention the fact that they continue trying to ruin older maps like MacMillan estate and autohaven despite being pretty universally liked. Like constantly adding new bad loops, removing spawns of certain structures or tiles. Making them graphically uglier and perform worse and so on. While ignoring the new bad maps they keep releasing. Speaking of which, the new map is atrocious.

Tldr, there's like nothing new in this update many people care about. And the game is in a really bad state in terms of stability. Is a boring killer, especially following up and iconic licensed character like Wesker who is way stronger. Chapter was doomed to flop like every November chapter since Oni. (Twins, Artist, Knight)

/r/deadbydaylight Thread