Main Character Energy is wild

"I'm not upset, I'm just upset for a different reason"


Bro you literally can't be having a Killer game where you're being kept away from actual gameplay like it is for Survivors. If you get genrushed by a sweat squad you are still able to have some good chases, get some hits in etc. while if you get tunneled as a Survivor you literally just idly hang there waiting to be saved everytime, leave M1 pressed for a couple of sessions on a gen, get killed and leave the trial with 6k BP.

Point is Killer games are way less frustrating and if you catch a bad one just move on. And no, just because they're crouching up and down doesn't mean they just damaged your honor which you're now unable to recover from. That is weird, to be insulted by what is essentially a parasocial relationship where one doesn't even know the other. They don't know you, they can't insult you personally, for them you're just another opponent, a robot they can make fun of basically. If you can't handle this stuff just don't play Killer.

What'd make me upset is if Survivors were holding the game hostage. Like there's two people left at 3 or 4 gens who're still hopping on gens and otherwise just hide for the remainder of the match. I'm not saying they should give up, but at least don't avoid chases and if you die, cool, the other guy can go for the hatch.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread