Why is everyone so proud of this city being a shithole?

I wouldn't say the city is a Sh!"-hole i came from one city that would have you scratching the walls.

It's a small crowd that are loud and just think they can do whatever and dictate how you out to live and be. The city is not the problem is a small minority that are fucking loud and obnoxious be damned if you (go against them or point something out or even work hard) they'll fucking harass you to the world's end talk about being 'open minded' and diverse when they struggle so hard to accept other peoples differences and goals.

Parroting words like gentrification or whatever word they picked up to seem marginalised. Noticed a funny thing with those ones is that they themself are the ones having multiple apartments that they sublease for hotel prices while they fuck of to the next big city or summer holiday. Go to any FB with expats in Berlin and you will see the fucking spoiled rotten expats.

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