Me [21 F] with my Fiance [23 M] of 7 years, his best friend [25M] stayed with us for 2 weeks. Found BF with his best friend in bed. I'm crushed.

Ok, this is going to sound difficult BUT once you calm down a bit especially considering you didn't feel well before this shocker, you need to chat with him. You have been in each other's lives for nearly a decade and were so committed to one another you got engaged.

You admitted that you really didn't see anything. Let him explain what was going on and for how long. Plus before going to the clinic you may want to have an understanding as to how many partners he has had since the two of you were together and how far each encounter went.

Given the nature of my business I am not surprised that your fiance had an intimate encounter with a male friend. When most people go outside of their relationship for intimacy it is usually someone close e.g., a friend, colleague or neighbor. What ticks me off is the cheating.

If you were my sister, I would suggest you handle this from that angle. After all who he was cheating with isn't as much of an issue as the cheating, right? When you have that "talk", I would focus on the betrayal and less about the same-sex stuff. Matter of fact I wouldn't bring it up. I would simply say, "You cheated on me and endangered my health and well-being. Your actions were deceitful and unforgivable. The sooner we can resolve the outstanding issues (rent, bills, etc.) we can move on with our lives - separately."

I am guessing he is very concerned that you are going to tell everyone you know what happened. Clearly he isn't out about at least some of his sexual preferences. I would sit on it until you get back on your feet.

So, take care of yourself, take you time and with a clear head I am certain you will do what's best for you. Thankfully you have family nearby who can help you with this. Good luck.

/r/relationships Thread