Everyone threatening or looking to leave: You have shown how privileged you were that at the first sign of perceived adversity (you have not tested if it was don't pretend) you run away. You don't do any work to push for good. Leave, we only want those who wish for a Great Country.

and it isn't for monetary gain like Clinton is. Remember they cried about how little money they had leaving the whitehouse (even with Bill's guaranteed 100k+ salary for life!!!! PRIVILEGE) so they decided to funnel money to a foundation that only uses <10% of money received to actually do work.

The rest they pay themselves and friends for 'working for the foundation'

.... This is leech extreme and corrupt.

Trump doesn't need money. He runs because he has this albeit childlike(for many of us) view that people ultimately are good, that if you present a better path and opportunity they will go for it because they respect themselves and their heritage.

He believes just being born in America makes you American.

He believes women can run companies just fine, he hired female execs in a field that was male dominated and hasn't said shit about it because it isn't political it is his core belief that he will hire the best.

Trump hasn't had enough time in politics to be a career politician to know 'the game' and not push for ideals of humanity/love/trust/bravery/greatness.

I pray to God he never loses this goal.

/r/The_Donald Thread