Everyones favorite ND shill has spoken

That is why balance is important, when considering if something might be true or not.

The information on how the leaks happend before, were likely exaggerated and in part not true. Then people, when the other information by him came out, immediately went into the opposite extreme of "See, it's all lie. Can't believe people thought the leaks were by badly treated employees smh", only for him now to double down so super hard to the level of "Guys, guys! Turns out the leaks happend specifically in such a way, that it takes every possible blame and guilt off ND and makes it seem like the game might actually be somewhat different from what the tons of leaks show?! I know, crazy, right?"

Hard to say what the truth is at this point, but my uneducated guess is it's somewhere in middle. But we'll probably never know at this point. I think however it's safe to say that most people who are invested in this, have made up their mind one way or other, each side wanting their perception to be reinforced, to then go "Hah, I knew it!".

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