Characters the writers tried to make sympathetic AFTER they crossed the line

This will very likely be included in season 3 for Re Zero: Meili s one example of this and the author succeeds with Flying colors. from her initial villain outing in season 2 and retroactively being the culprit of the second arc in the series, to her arc 6 participation and backstory showing the rollercoaster the kid went thought, her also not actually being genuine about reforming at the start. Just "playing a character" like she did as an assassin because no matter what she just wants to survive. Her vengeance attempt for Elsa, followed by a talk with Subaru and Emilia are both pretty much her being herself instead of whatever character she was playing to plan ahead for survival after all the trauma she went thought. She genuinely still can't believe how weird everyone in the camp is for forgiving the "evil sorcerer" she saw herself as in her mind even if she s genuine for the reform now. Currently in the novel side story chapters she is ttempting to earn a pardon from the Lugunica council with her beastmaster abilities as the bargaining chip. She s also being paired up with Elsa s old fuck fight target Reinhard, who she s terrified of.

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