Everything is still normal but so different at the same time since 2020. Idk in what timeline We got put on but everything feels wrong. Anybody else feel the same way ?

Yes Yes Yes and honestly I cant tell you how much I fucking agree.

It kills me because I have zero people in my life to talk with about this.

IDK if I agree with the whole 2012 thing but I 100% feel like something is up ... we either shifted dimensions or are all dead ... something !

I am a recovering heroin addict with like exactly 4 year clean (sept. 14th, so a couple days away from 4 years) ... I have not felt right since before my last relapse WHICH BTW has nothing to do with this even though I realize it discredits most of what I am saying, at least for most people.

It honestly started before my last relapse ... almost 5 years ago ... at the time I had a decent amount of clean time as well.

Something was just off, I really cant explain it BUT I def. noticed it.

When I did relapse it resulted in an insane downhill spiral that ended in the worst situation I have ever been in my entire life. I cant really go into detail here because it would just make for such a long post but just know ... <b>that is saying something</b> as I have truly led a pretty wild life ! I have almost 15 years of active IV drug use. I was FUCKED .. I burned all my bridges and went full destitute.

Any ways ... during that time something happened ... we either A. shifted dimensions/or I became aware of us shifting dimensions OR B. I died C. went insane (I really doubt this because I went on to get clean and enter long term sobriety as well as the best financial shape I have ever been in. I went from being a homeless addict to being a taxpayer with investments, prospects on the horizon and joint custody of my kid ... I got a dog also) ... I truly believe its either A. or B.

I shift back and forth on what I think happened all the time BUT during my relapse I had a straight up mystical encounter with a home bum in north philly who explained to me in crazy detail how I was dead.

I will never forget it, as fucked as I was at the time it is still so vivid ... he said "hey man, it sucks ... BUT .. your dead" he went on to explain what went down in detail and that I was actually in some sort of "hell on earth" type scenario.

IDK i got clean soon after and I have been in distress ever since, the world slowly fucking it self as time moves.

/r/AWLIAS Thread Link - i.redd.it