Exact Pokemon CP Formula

I see there's a lot of people, me included, who don't understand the TotalCpMultiplier, CpMultiplier and AdditionalCpMultiplier parts. So, can we take it one step further and calculate one imaginary pokemon CP?

Say the pokemon has 50 BaseStamina, 50 BaseAttack, 50 BaseDefense, 10 Stamina IVs, 10 Attack IVs, 10 Defense IVs, and is at level 20.0:

Stamina = (50 + 10) * ?? Attack = (50 + 10) * ?? Defense = (50 + 10) * ??

What I am missing is the multiplier, which I suppose should scale based on the pokemon level. Bases and IVs will always be the same, but I take it the CP Multiplier should be calculated based on the pokemon level. OP says TotalCpMultiplier is approximately 0.095 times the square root of "PokemonLevel", but also says "PokemonLevel" increases by 1 per power up. That is weird. Does it mean a pokemon at level 1.5 would use Sqrt(2)? And a pokemon at level 2.0 would use Sqrt(3)? If so, a pokemon at level 20.0 would use Sqrt(39), is that correct? That would give us ~6.245

Stamina = Attack = Defense = 60 * 0.095 * 6.245 = 35.5965

CP = MAX(10, FLOOR(Sqrt(35.5965) * 35.5965 * Sqrt(35.5965) / 10) ) CP = FLOOR( 5.96628 * 35.5965 * 5.96628 / 10 ) = 1267.1108

Is that correct? While this appears reasonable, a Weedle has over 50 for every stat and is most definitely under 1000 CPs at level 20. What went wrong here?

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread