how to stop a person who is addicted to spend money?

You cannot always help those whom doesn’t wish to be helped. you can attempt to offer a change of perspective and It would only be logical to drive home the importance of managing finances. attention of the consequences of poor financial management, both in the short & long term. how good and addictive it actually is to venture ‘saving’ over ‘spending’, “watching a balance increase” it’s a reward, dopamine, void filling seeking tendency. possibility of impulse control related issue. online spending can be as strong as gambling addiction to alert as how strong the compulsion will be for some to spend. will likely be resistant to your influence and possibly stubborn in ways and perhaps see no real issue. factor in all of the subconscious influencing of advertisements and it becomes a problem for a lot of people. Factor in things like low self esteem, depression or adhd and It can become a persistent issue.

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