Explanation of view on Women

I'm not sure why this was removed or even if your account is still being used but I only just found this post now and have so approved it. I would have replied earlier had I seen your post, apologies!

First of all, let me add to your quotes by including the following:

"This is not all. The law of Islam has not left the matter of divorce entirely in the hands of the husband; women too have been given the right to seek divorce" (same book, a page or two later)

Basically here the Promised Messiah is replying to a Hindu who has objected to the Quran leaving divorce in the hands of men. He defends the Holy Quran before coming to the point that the objection is entirely without foundation as women also have a say in divorece - granted to them in Islam 1400 years ago at the outset, but not to European Christian women until only a few decades ago by comparison!

So he refutes the objection on divorce, but then he comes to a second indirect point made by the objector, which is the implication that men and women are equal in all regards.

The Promised Messiah responds to this by simply pointing out that men and women are not physically or mentally the same. I know in modern western society we like to pretend they are, but he is simply stating the truth. Men are generally physically stronger and in other respects women have certain important physical capabilities which men don't have - the ability to give birth to and feed children being the most obvious ones that spring to mind, without which we couldn't survive as a species.

Similarly, modern studies are finding and will continue to prove men and women have different capacities mentally as well. In certain feilds women are better and in other men are better.

The example here given by the Promised Messiah is of courage. In this field, I think he is correct: generally speaking men are more courageous. Not always, but usually. For example, if there is a sudden noise at night the ladies in my family will always send the men to check it. Similarly, if we are walking somewhere at night and come across a group of youths the ladies will hold onto the men. It is never the men asking the ladies to check what the noise is or the men becoming frightened of rowdy youngsters in the dark.

So these are simply facts acknowledged by Islam that Allah has designed men and women differently and with different roles to play. This isn't to belittle women - if you study the life of the Promised Messiah and see his treatment of women you will find he respected them more than anyone else, more than the society around him and this was exactly in accordance with the teachings of Islam. But, the Promised Messiah wasn't a politician. He didn't tell lies or half-truths to get votes or win favour. He told the full truth and the facts are men are generally speaking physically stronger than women. It might not be politically correct to say it, but as I have said he wasn't a politician simply spouting whatever the fashionable masses of the age wanted to hear.

/r/ahmadiyya Thread