Why are there basically no fat bodies in this show?

There's not like a 711 with snacks in Gilead even if you snuck food you'd be sneaking grapes and probably gluten free bread lol even if you got a hold of something like cake and chocolate it would certainly not be an everyday event and in small enough amounts you wouldn't be gaining .they wouldn't condone just being obese for a commander because it is not healthy and helpful to being " fruitful" Also I wouldn't consider June thin . She is extremely average to technically overweight kinda frumpy. As for the Canadians they are mostly just background extras. And none of the ones I've seen are "skinny" they are average. Most extras are of average size to not draw your eye if there was a 400lb extra they would stand out and not be so much of an extra. I think you're just projecting some personal insecurities on a TV show lol most of the actors are of average size

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