The fatigue system, how many of you actually like it?

Once again, fatigue is not in place to counter-act botters. I'd like it if we (as a community) could move away from this misconception.

I like FP as a long-term player of the game. However, I believe it is too restrictive at low levels. Newer players to the game end up getting less playtime from their FP (by a huge margin) simply because of how easy the early content is. An idea would be to give the players an untradeable FP pot from a quest at low levels that would restore, say, 100 FP. That way, players who wanted to play more immediately could do so, and other players could save that FP pot for a day when they wanted to blast out a lot of levels, and either way it wouldn't be unfair (it's the same FP regardless).

As for botters, you realize that the primary reason that botters exist is to farm gold. It's absurdly hard to farm gold at lower levels in DFO compared to max level, simply because all of the things that drop at low levels are extremely common (given how many low level characters there are in the game). While FP was not put in place to combat botters, your argument that a botter getting 10 accounts and leveling them to 30 in 2 days is equal to them getting 1 account and leveling it to 70 in two days is incorrect on a number of levels. In addition to the fact that a high level character can generate many times more income than 10 low level characters, there is also overhead in attempting to run multiple copies of the game simultaneously, and botters have to pay that extra cost (whether it be spinning off multiple VMs or having literally more servers).

The majority of players are fine with FP once they get past the low levels. If the low levels are the issue, be specific. Otherwise, I don't really see a huge problem with it.

/r/DFO Thread