I feel worthless and it's really fucking frustrating.

This is either the craziest deja vu ever or you posted this somewhere else - I swear I read this post a couple days ago on another reddit (nofap maybe). So much so that I had to see if you had posted it somewhere else. Man you want to stop feeling worthless? Get the fuck off of reddit seduction and the red pill, that shit turns you into a soul less piece of shit - take it from someone who took up "game" a year ago, got better with girls, got laid, then realized that I was more depressed than I'd ever been despite having been promoted twice in a year and continuing to get straight As in my masters program. It might work in getting you laid a bit but it's not gonna fill the hole, and in fact, its gonna rip it wide open by absolutely ruining how you see the world and other people. You need compassion, not to see everything as a battle that has to be won- and every person an enemy of some sort. Those people are actually worthless which is why they need to validate themselves by getting women's attention and then dropping them, not because they're "alpha" but because they know that sooner or later they're gonna figure out who they are... That red pill shit that verges on advocating rape - its not "sexual strategy," its de-evolution - turning us back into cavemen or worse (they love that term "caveman" - probably because most of them live in caves, literally or metaphorically). Seriously man, best advice I can give you based on what I know. (I know what its like to be really sexually frustrated, but trust me when I tell you that you don't need that shit to get what you're looking for and in fact, won't get it that way).

That's the don't. As for the "do" and as a fellow golfer - go out and play, be patient and don't chase the score. My favorite aspect about golf is that you can go out for a whole day, not get much done in the scheme of things, yet it never feels like you're slacking, it's almost meditative. Get a job on a golf course and then you'll get to play for free, at least as a golfer you'll know a lot about the sport right? I used to work on a golf course, some of the best memories I have.

/r/becomeaman Thread