Feline Anemia

Hey there, quick update for you. They did the bone marrow biopsy on him and have a comfortable diagnosis of Non-Regenerative Hemolytic Anemia. They now have him on Prednisolone, Atopica, and pradofloxacin for the past 3 days and have said he's doing quite well, however today they called with a bit of a setback and said he's not real hungry and is a bit lethargic. They tested his PCV today at 16. They would like to do another transfusion on him. She did note that the slight blood loss from the Biopsy could have caused the drop in numbers. We decided to leave it over night and she's going to call again in the morning with a further update on how he's feeling. I'm not sure if we should let them do the second transfusion or hold off for now. She said he doesn't absolutely *need* it right now, but we are 3 hours away so she figured do it as a precaution, but I'm just not sure if we should or not. She's going to further update how he's feeling in the morning and we will decide at that point. It's so hard to know what the right thing to do for the poor guy is at this point.

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