Hey reddit. How is your new years eve/day going?

I'll start. For myself, 2021 has been pretty solid. In 2021. I graduated law school and passed the bar exam. I am pretty stoked and I am super thankful. I have been working at a law for about 7 years, but unfortunately, it looks like they aren't going to offer me a full time attorney position, so it looks like for the beginning of 2022, I am going to be shooting out resumes to whoever will except them.

For tonight, it is about 10 pm and I have been drinking since 4 pm so I am a little faded and I am not sure I will make it until midnight. I am home drinking with with my best buds and I am excited for the new year.

Covid has been a huge conundrum and I hope everyone gets vaccinated so that that the world can finally put this behind us.

/r/AskReddit Thread