First 10 seconds of video is E color Diamond. Next 10 seconds is J color. Wondering if J is actually the better deal. From expert analysis, The E has a “decent amount of sparkle/ excellent polish and very good symmetry” while the J has “great amount of sparkle/ excellent polish/excellent symmetry”

the only diamonds with a cut grade are round brilliants. also, not every diamond needs to “sparkle” (example: step-cut stones like emeralds and asschers) you pay more attention to the symmetry and polish. if it’s an E, make sure there’s no fluorescence (it can make it appear cloudy). if it’s a J, fluorescence is alright (it can offset the yellow in the stone, same thing with setting it in yellow gold). also. lighting is a huge game changer.

i took this today- on the left is a 1.60 asscher under LED lights, on the right is the asscher outside in the shade. K/VS1

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