First build. Having second thoughts about second thoughts. Are there any obvious holes in my build? Anything I can improve? ~$3000 with wiggle room. Criticisms with solutions/changes needed. (xpost to r/buildapc

thanks ! And no, there is no mistake with the pricing, i'm actually getting that CPU+mobo combo for $463 and similar for the SSDs. Unless i should avoid that mobo for some reason?

i'm saving a bunch on some stuff, so thought I could devote that money elsewhere. which is why some parts may seem a bit out of sync. (which is why you see 32Gb of ram instead of 16)

i'm mainly looking for reasons why my build could fail. but of course, if I get to save a bunch of stuff without giving up performance, that is always welcome.

I checked the dimensions of the board against the ones supported by the case and they seem to be compatible. I've also referred to a few builds on pcpartpicker/elsewhere who have used this combination, so i suppose it would fit, I could be underestimating the actual effort of building the thing, of course.

Any insight on monitor shopping? I know acer-recertified is popular, but any other sources which sell reliable refurbished monitors at the specs I'm looking for?
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