I feel hopeless

You need a good reason to suck it up and do it. For me, it is seeing what a complete disregard of nutrition and fitness can do to a person. I travel a ton for work. Most of my coworkers act like they are on vacation every time they go on a work trip (which is weekly). They complain about their ever expanding waistlines over cocktails and fried appetizers. They look at me like I'm an alien when I order a salad, or skip a happy hour, because I go to the gym before dinner instead of drinking with them. I can't really sugar coat it. I used to participate in this behavior. But then I realized I was spending the majority of my time at home, complaining to my husband and acting helpless over the negative side effects of my choices. Now, instead of commiserating with the group in a passive and helpless way, I simply make a decision to put myself first and be proactive. I'm not going to lie, for the first month it really sucked. But it does get easier...even easy. And the mental and physical benefits far outweigh opting for crappy drinks and bar food.

/r/xxfitness Thread