First Impressions Thread

This is honestly the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read on reddit.

"There are presets which unlock as you level up, but most of them are garbage except for the infiltrator's non-lethal loadout, which I will explain later."

What were you expecting? lmfao

"Enforcers were said to be big burly bullet sponges in the MGO videos. What happened?"

So you know nothing about the game?

"Enforcers take just as many rounds to take down as an infiltrator, and a scout."

You're right, enforcers don't get shields or anything that block bullets.

"Not only that, but the unlocks are biased towards infiltrator, but I'll explain that later."

You unlocked everything? You said you were level 10...

"Enforcers are unbelievably fragile until late (late) game."

They get the shield quite early actually lol not sure what your point is though

"It can also be hell to use sniper rifles with a controller, as it wobbles like crazy."

There are perks for that, and I had no issue aiming regardless.

"Why isn't there a button to hold your breath?"

Because there are perks...

"Infiltrators are god-like."


"They can put down an enforcer in SECONDS with an SMG at medium range"

unless the enforcer has a shield

"it's almost impossible to catch them unless they're REALLY bad."

Not even close to true.

" so headshots with the tranq pistol and normal pistol are made very easy" headshots with every gun on every class is easy, tranq pistol is single shot though

"The aimbot can also be god awful. "

Don't use terms if you don't know what they mean. There are no aimbots in this.

" stun grenades can knock an entire team unconscious if they're standing a mid distance from it"

nope. not unless you are hit by two or three. for a stun to KO it must be withing a couple feet.

". Also, walker gears are ridiculous. "

Not they aren't.

"it doesn't help that cover usually doesn't work. I've dived into cover more times than I can count, and sometimes"

good you learned a lesson. Use the walker gears, you let the enemy team take yours? You deserve to lose.

" I've dived into cover more times than I can count, and sometimes, I'll get shot through solid walls, which is stupid."

Unless its intentional... surfaces in this game can be penetrated, it wasn't lag, they were actually shooting through the object.

"It's buggered because it gives you a report on where you were shot after you've died."

It gives a report on where the bullets hit.

"Again, auto aim is ridiculous." Thats what you meant, not aimbot.

"During my time playing scout, I'd aim from a vantage point over to some distant area halfway across the map, and I've had my crosshair move to some guy like 3 feet away from my crosshair."

Take off auto-aim, problem solved.

"A stun grenade in your loadout is REQUIRED"


"else walker gears will fuck you up so fast you won't even have time to say"

bullets or a molotov will do fine

"You don't get rockets or any viable defense against walker gears until somewhere past level 10, which means walker gears ruin the fun most of the time."

lol I shouldn't have to explain whats wrong with that

"Oh, and stealth camo sucks. I've caught people crawling at night through a river with stealth camo on out of the corner of my eye more times than I can count. Would've much preferred MGO2s stealth camo: Nearly invisible to the naked eye but the floating weapons give people away."

MGO2s camo was completely broken, so you're just wrong here.

"Time limit is so short that trying to stealth is stupid, too. "

Learn how to be quick then, I have no issues.

/r/mgo Thread Parent