First remediation

You don’t need to be worried about the fact that you made a 76. Lots of people don’t do well on their first exam. It doesn’t mean you aren’t a good student or you won’t do well in PA school. But you should be worried about your hysterical response to getting a 76. It’s normal to be upset about a bad grade, but the way you behaved is abnormal. Honestly, after some counseling and some time maybe your stress over this will pass, you will do well on the next test, and this will all just be a little blip in an otherwise successful PA school experience. But if you continue to have breakdowns like this then deferring a year might be a good idea. Medicine is a stressful field. If you can’t handle the pressure then I highly suggest another field or just be sure you go into a low-stress specialty like dermatology.

/r/PAstudent Thread