AHS defends pedophilia

Do tell me how deadly are preborn babies.

https://ourworldindata.org/maternal-mortality Depending on the country, for every 100,000 births you have as little as 3 deaths such as in places like Iceland, or as much as 1,360 such as in places like Sierra Leone. These are not insignificant numbers, "scientifically" speaking. In 2015 over 300,000 women died from childbirth in the world. Almost double that number including the deaths of the embryo/fetus/baby that died as well. 390 of those women were Argentinean.

Because I only used the example to illustrate the difference between intentional death and accidental death, but now you are Babies and childbirth can kill you, just in a different way. See maternal mortality. Your thing about your husband and religion is off topic and confusing.

So tell me, would you kill your husband if there was the slightest chance he would have a happy life? Depends on the genetic abnormality, but yes if necessary. Statistics are important to look at, if there's a 99% chance he's going to be basically brain damaged, sitting in a chair drooling and not perceiving anything, I would pity terminate my pregnancy. Obviously these are unrealistic hypotheticals though, but the point is, amniotic fluid testing exists for a reason- many people would pity kill depending on the genetic disorder, especially when they themselves have that hereditary disorder and understand firsthand how miserable it is. If my partner was in an awful accident and brain dead, I would pull the plug to put him out of his misery as well rather than leaving him a vegetable because "there's that miniscule chance he could come out of it like a miracle." That is just my opinion though, and I totally understand the perspective of people who disagree. But again, that is why I am pro-choice under the aforementioned qualifiers.

Great, another one who failed basic biology. Your argments are poor due to the language barrier. Conceive in English can also mean to give birth. I literally have passed all of my classes, we have been through this, and I can guarantee that I have a lot more medical knowledge than you do based off of your responses here and I am still a 22 year old student...

But she's going to either give us the baby or give him up for adoption Nope, it's her baby, she can do what she wants with it. You can't just force someone to give you their baby, what the fuck lmao. Point being, you clearly understand emotionally why it would be hard to raise the child from the affair, thus it should allow you to empathize a bit with the women considering abortion in these circumstances.

No child in the adoption system goes unadopted That is totally baseless, but even were it true in the U.S., the United States isn't the whole world. All countries children are equally as important. Lastly, are you seriously disqualifying the very valid suffering of hundreds of thousands of children in the foster care system?

I don't want to be rude but I don't think we are going to have a productive discussion continuing this because you seem to completely misunderstand my points and I do not understand where you are conjuring most of your statements. Here is the actual government statistics on adoption for the U.S. with tons of articles rather than some random BUSINESS agency making a profit...:


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