First timer questions...

Not in Toronto, but I have never heard of any club search inside your wallet. Some clubs have metal detector and some do pat downs but they never look inside the wallet. If that happens ask questions or just leave for the next club..

I usually tip 20 to every girl at the stage if I am sitting close to the stage. If there is a girl on the stage I don't like, I might even move away while she starts than sitting there and not tipping her.

If I am sitting away from the stage, and there is a girl I like on stage, I just walk up to her, still tip 20 ,and do a little chitchat. If I am enamored after the chitchat, I'd straight up ask her to see me after her set. But your act of tipping itself is a signal for most girls to come over.

If u don't want to spend too much,sit away from the stage. Some girls will still approach you. Some might not be the ones you want and then you straight away can politely decline withouta tip. If it's the one you want, talk to her, move to the dances, and add tip with your payment. If instead u want to chat before dances or without dances, offer her a drink.. and tip if u r having a good time.

Instead of getting 1 dance from 5 girls, I prefer to get 5 dances from 1 girl. Generally helps with building some rapport.

I learnt this with experience but If u r not white, a) be generous with tips and b) try to approach girls u like instead of waiting for them to come to you.

/r/stripclubs Thread