Angelina Jolie accused of emotionally abusing Brad Pitt

Fucking this.

I strongly suspect much of Hollywood has what I have, borderline personality disorder. It's caused by trauma, CSA, neglect, shit like that.

It makes you emotionally volatile. It is very hard to control. We spend our lives masking it, a lot like autism. You know what that's great preparation for?


Here's the kicker though, it's a disease we're feeling with and it has lots of symptoms, barely choices. When you date someone like us, we have wildly low boundaries. You LOVE this. Low boundaries are typically sexy.

It also usually comes with hyper-empathy. This usually leads to us wanting to help everyone, especially those at disadvantage because we have such a strong sense of ethics and justice.

When the emotions take over (regularly, uncontrollably) those ethics and justice waver but only because we've taken a moment to prioritise our self for once.

We deserve recognition, compassion and above all, access to appropriate and actually helpful healthcare. Most healthcare literally avoids us because they have no fucking clue how to help.

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