Food For Thought 2 - Meat and Greet

“We wish to eat.” His guide declared holding up the tray. The nearest pit tender took a moment to tear it’s gaze away from the human and offered a low bow, quickly using long hooks to pull meat off the grill. Once the guide had their share, it bowed its head. “I thank your service. Warm Suns be yours.” “And yours.” the tende replied. That done, the guide stepped back and nodded for Alex to take his turn.


Noting the lack of translator on the pit tender, Alex quietly asked the guide to repeat what they had said slowly. After a couple repetitions, he stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Haksh do urstaal” he said firmly. There was a moment of silence before the cook gave a thump of its tail and let loose a deep laugh. Apparently its sense of humor was shared by everyone in earshot but before Alex could try and correct his embarrassment, he felt the weight of large slabs of meat being piled onto his tray. “Um.. Juric then sillas. Dur tha-wait, Dur thenl shei ro.”


The pit keeper gave another laugh before replying “And yours.” The two shared a bow and Alex’ impromptu guide led him over to one of the groups. Any tension in the air was gone now and the human was welcomed to the group with a round of salutes. He made sure to return them once he was seated and his hands free. “A valiant attempt human!” his guide declared with what he guessed was a smile. “Your tongue is too small to speak our words properly but you honor us with trying. The Khandra honors you.” The sentiment was shared from the others in the group as they watched him.


“Thanks, I’m Alex by the way, oh uh, Dread Alpha Alexander… of brood Krevnokov I guess.” There was a collection of bowed heads at the introduction.


“Well met Dread Alpha, but there is no need for such formalities here. I am Snechal. This is Histac, Nurlana, Ghessh, and Iilii.” The guide replied, gesturing to each member of the group in turn. “We had heard an outsider was to serve with us. We did not expect see you among us so soon.”


“Nice to meet you all. Just call me Alex.” he smiled, settling himself a bit better as he looked around. “I wanted to get a feel for how things worked around here. The Shipmaster’s tour was pretty brief and since I had the time, why not?” He looked over his tray and picked out a few chunks of what looked like ribs. His eyepiece told him that it was edible and and it didn’t look bad, just a bit dry. Wishing himself Bon Appetite, he took a mouthful and chewed.


Well… it’s meat. No seasoning. No flavorings. Just plain old overcooked meat. Can’t tell if it’s a bit gamey or if that’s just what this stuff tastes like. he thought as he worked the mouthful over and swallowed. “What do you think?” Asked Snechal, it’s head tilted.


“Bit dry.. But not bad. Could use some salt and pepper.” He answered honestly. There was a brief look of confusion before Ghessh pointed to another cut on his tray. “Try this next!”


And so it began. Alex would try a new chunk of meat, offer his opinion and have another suggested to him. Soon other groups were getting involved, offering him bits from their own trays, some even going to other pits to find new things for the human to try. When Reklo stepped into the food den, it took her a minute to see what was going on. Her lip curling in a snarl when she spotted the human at the center of the crowd being offered tributes of food like he was a patriarch.


She found herself reaffirming her distaste for the human as she looked him over. He was short, tailless. Instead of a feathered crest he had a pile of short dark brown fur on the top of his head, copper colored eyes sat too close together on his flat face. At least he had the decency to cover his scaleless form with those drab grey clothes he wore. Her tail flicked in annoyance and she snatched a tray from the stack, marching past the crowd to get her own food then muscling her way through to stand before the human.


He looked up at her as the crowd fell silent, many of those gathered giving gestures of greeting or submission at her presence. The human swallowed and offered a salute. Her blood burned. “The Shipmasters says you are of the Khandra.” She said flatly, looking down her muzzle at him. “Yet here you are spitting on the Second Tenet.” There was a wave of mutters and a few growls. She saw Snechal step forward and her eyes narrowed to the other female.


“Dread Alpha.” Snechal greeted with a salute. “He does not know the Tenets yet, it is not right to question him until-”


“Third then.” Reklo snapped, her crest raising slightly. “If he does not know then he should seek to know, Beta.” the lower ranked female bowed back at the berating, not wanting to challenge Reklo for the insult in this place. She was thankful though when the human spoke up for himself.


“Sorry for stepping in but I can understand you guys.” He said, wiping his hands and standing up. “If I’ve insulted you somehow, please, let me know what I can do. What are these Second and Third Tenets?”


Reklo hesitated, she didn’t want to answer the human, but the Tenets she had just accused him of ignoring demanded that she do so. “The Tenets of the Khandra. The Path. The Second Tenet states that we must ‘Give all that is Given’. The Third states that ‘To not know is without shame. To not seek understanding is without honor’.” She replied, setting her tray down before seating herself. “You have been given much here and yet you have given nothing in return.”


Alex considered this a moment then took off his jacket, leaving him in his slate grey tank top, boots and pants. Reklo could see the strength in his arms now and she felt a pang of guilt at her hatred of the human, but she buried it quickly. he is still small and weak she reminded herself.


“Well. If that’s the way it is then, alright.” Alex replied, moving to one of the pits to find himself an apron. He checked his eyepiece to see if his supplies had been loaded onto the ship and sent a request to have a few things brought up. “You all offered to share your food with me, so let me share mine with you. I hope you all saved room for more.”

/r/HFY Thread