[SERIOUS] Men of reddit how do you subtly gauge if someone's interested in you?

So if I a guy brings up the subject of dating, does that mean they could be interested.

A guy I know has brought up the conversation 3 times in the last few weeks.

First he asked if I was dating anyone, I said i wasnt that i scrolled on tinder but also couldn't really be bothered.

A couple days later he asked if I would date anyone. I said I would but kinda have to get over the first guy. He asked me how long ago the first guy was and I told him the guy didn't even like me back.

Then yesterday he asked if I'd spoken to a guy I said I liked but didn't think they liked me back. That guy in question I did like and he definitely doesn't like me back. So I said to this current guy that I did like the other guy but I don't anymore and really what I missed was the dynamic of the relationship rather than the person themselves.

I said I want to date but I don't like talking to new people and that i suck at conversation and he was like "but you can talk to me fine" and I replied "that's because I know you"

He always is the one to initiate the topic, but he's also fresh out of a relationship so I don't know

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