[For Hire] DevOps Engineer / Senior Linux Admin - Remote

Thanks guys! Means a great deal hearing it from my peers.

It seemed like the natural progression of things instead of "manually" generating the pdf/png files. (I did write a Makefile though)

There were some challenges, like my wanting the most updated PNGs on the README.md (so they're easily visible; I think that's important). Making new commits (in order to check in the newly generated PNGs) to the very project that you're running through the pipeline is not something I've needed to do before - Without certain only: and except: attributes to the gitlab-ci.yml it would loop and run forever (potentially). Additionally also because of the auto-generated commit, which because of those exceptions doesn't run a new pipeline, it leaves the nice fancy pipline status badge (also in the README) in a constant state of "Unknown" - so I had to mock the status with a subsequent job that would always succeed. At first glance it might seem that this is disingenuous, but it's not because the commit only runs if everything else succeeded, and therefore the mock status only runs as a job when the commit occurs. A bit convoluted, but it got the job done.

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