Why all the hate for Bioshock 2?

Infinite had horrible characterization - Elizabeth aside.

So did 2. Lamb's Strawman reasons towards Ryan is lazy compared to Fontaine doing the same, but at least he had businesses( both Smuggling surface goods and ADAM), understood the benefits to Supplying ditizens to get him what he wants, and paid pursuasion to manipulate the masses of Libertarians than just shouting "Ryan is an Objectivist Atheist Loser- now trancend like the butterflies!".

The guns are copy-pasted and the plasmid overhaul wasn't really all that innovative. The hook was cool and the graphics were superb, but I couldn't get myself to care about what I was doing at any time. A game is fucked up when the most exciting but is when you portal back to an older game...

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