For Those who still don't get it

I don’t mean evil as in Lucifer. I mean evil as in being a deliberate cunt to others. A cunt who some might call a fascist and others a patriot. Fascism is a murky subject and Mussolini himself admitted to the fact. George Orwell also touches on it—different political factions use it as ammunition to attack their rivals. Genocidal fuckwits have been around throughout human history. Ideologies, systems and structures come and go. However, the result has always been that society is made up of malicious right wingers who are obsessed with bloodlines and other dingbat ideas that justify predation and general assholery. It is not a system that turned on the gas showers 80 years ago in Nazi occupied Europe—it was humans. Like yourself or me. Not hitler, not goebbels, but genocidal maniacs whose genes exist today in a lot of us and would wipe out different ethnic groups under the right circumstances such as those materializing right now in America, China, India, Brazil and every other Nationalistic hellhole on earth. The fuckers are evil and nothing can be done about it. When they’re gone, others will take their place under different political names, slogans flags, symbols etc.

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