Former LDS member interested in Catholic Church with some questions and concerns

I am also concerned about some legalistic attitudes expressed on this sub. One of the reasons that caused me to leave LDS church is the strict, do what you told and don't ask questions culture.

Note that this subreddit is /r/Catholicism and not the Catholic Church. It only represents a narrow slice of Catholicism and Catholics. I would be less concerned about how this sub represents all of Catholicism and more concerned with reading the Bible and the Catechism, going to Mass, increasing your prayer life, learning devotions, and getting involved with your local parish through ministries (you'll encounter a broader swath of Catholics doing so -- some you'll love, and some you'll be challenged to love).

I've done a little reading on the history/teachings of the LDS and its leaders, and I can see why you wouldn't trust any organization. Perhaps you could compare Joseph Smith and Brigham Young with the founder of the Catholic Church (Jesus Christ) and her early leaders (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, the Church Fathers, etc).

/r/Catholicism Thread