I am asexual

Can you? Yes. Should you? Eh…

Just my opinion but what you are describing sounds more like a friendship than a sacramental marriage.

It’s not that the sexual partner only wants to feel wanted, as someone else mentioned, but it’s a denial of their gift of self. That same gift of self is what sets apart marriage and it speaks to an unwillingness to participate in God’s plan for marriage; you’re not only rejecting your partner but also God’s gifts.

People are always going on about Josephite marriages on this sub but the reality is that you have to discern how it would lead to a greater type of fruitfulness that could not be achieved through either marriage (and potentially children) or the single life. A Josephite marriage not the way out for someone who isn’t able or willing to work towards processing and healing their trauma.

Also, you don’t say how old you are but I’d caution against forming a finite position on your sexuality until you are in full bloom - sexually, emotionally, socially - for a lot of women that doesn’t come until their 30s.

/r/Catholicism Thread