Fractured Despair CYOA: OCs and setting

Well, i vote for the undersea city setting. The atmosphere would be amazing. Just a suggestion, try to come with something different than "rapture" though <xP

Well, let's go again:

Name: Eto Mikazuki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 1,65cm

Weight: 54

Chest: 84

Blood Type: AB

Date of Birthday: 29 of january

Likes: Read, libraries, games, books, cookies, sweeties etc.

Dislikes: someone bothering when she is reading, to be bored, noises during her peaceful times, to be treated badly etc

Personality: though she can be a bit airhead, she can be suprisingly smart sometimes. She is funny and likes to joke around. She likes to make references from games, animes etc., when she talks, principally when someone is interested.


Backstory: She had a bit of a harsh life. Her parents were very strict with her with her studdies. She never had a "moment for herself" and only satisfied the wishes of her parents to become a model student for all others students. She becomes the Ultimate Reading Prodigy with a great ability of reading a lot of things in a little time and still have them save in her memory. She said that might be the effect of constantly studdies with no rest and believe that it streghtened her senses. In school, she never had any friends for being someone considered as a "Nerd." Yet, this never let her down and even found a own group for herself with some girls that like to talk about books, games etc. She even have a blogspot, with a username called "FunkyKitty" where she talk about somethings and reviews series, games and other things.

Other: She kind of dislike popular girls, calling them as "Attention whores" though she can still be funny even she is enraged or talking about something she didn't like. She can be actually pretty caring when someone is having some problems and try her best to help them.

/r/danganronpa Thread