Freak shake

Fun fact, you can eat this and still maintain a healthy body weight, or even lose weight.

Let's assume this one item is around 800-1000 calories.

The basal metabolic rate of an active human is anywhere from 2500-3500 calories a day. That's the amount of calories your body uses just to stay alive. So, without any exercise for the day, you'll still have around 1500-2500 calories to consume for the day just to compensate for your BMR. Then let's say that your daily workout consumes about 700 calories. That leaves you with 2200-4200 you need to eat for the day just to break even. That leaves lunch, dinner, and several snacks throughout the day. To lose weight in a healthy way, you don't want to consume any less than about 2,000 calories a day. So if you ate one of these in a day, it wouldn't make a dent in your weight loss regiment.

Also, it's about moderation. You can eat one of these on occasion and stay healthy, so long as you stick to your nutrient intake goals and stay within your calorie range. The only issue would be if you ate one every single day, and that would only be the effects of the sugars on your body.

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