Results of the /r/OWLCITY census, August 2017

Our average Owl City subreddit user is a white Christian dude who likes girls. He is 22 years old, lives in North America, and English is his native language. He reads the subreddit daily, but rarely participates. His first exposure to Owl City was when he heard Fireflies, over eight years ago, during the Ocean Eyes era (which is still his favourite era, by the way). Since then, Owl City has become his favourite musical artist. He likes Adam's other projects too, and Sky Sailing is his favourite of them; he thinks Sailboats is to lyrics what Alligator Sky is to music videos, in fact: a masterpiece.

Speaking of those other projects, he cannot help but wonder how there are still people out there who believe Color Therapy isn't Adam, or that a score inspired by something other than space is any good. Listening to Voyager 1 and Project Excelsior makes him infinitely happy, but he starts to get a bit upset if he begins to think about how many Owl City CDs and shirts he has bought without ever seeing Adam live. Heartbreak and an urge to lament accompany that thought, but the pain he feels from it is nothing compared to what he feels when he hears Verge.

And do not tell the purists, but on that last cruise he went on, he listened to All Things Bright and Beautiful instead of Ocean Eyes. Who could've guessed that The Yacht Club would sound even better on a yacht?

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