The color I showed her > the color I got > after they "fixed" it.

Isn't the point of this sub to point out when reality didn't meet expectations? That's exactly what happened in my situation.

Okay, so here's what happened that way I may clarify some things. The color the I showed the stylist was approved by management. I specifically showed them that photo and they said it was fine. Then I showed the stylist that same photo as well as one that's a bit more burgundy-leaning and asked her if she could do it. She told me that she would be able to provide me with the color I showed her. My natural hair is a medium brown with a copper tone. She said she would have to bleach my hair to achieve the color I wanted, and because she is a professional I trusted her. After my hair was bleached, it looked fairly orange. Then she mixed my color and showed it to me. The color when it was mixed definitely looked more akin to the purple that I was hoping for, so I was excited. When it was done, it was essentially a black and blue, maybe violet if you want to be technical. I wasn't just displeased with it because it was more vibrant than I was expecting, but it also looked terrible on me. They tried to overlay it with another color and she even asked other stylists for advice. At the end, she advised me that the only way to attempt to get the color I wanted again was to lift the color from my hair and try again in a week or two so my hair wouldn't be completely fried. When they lifted the color, my hair was left orange-pink. Lighter colors do not look good with my skin tone, hence the displeasure of that. Two weeks later, I was able to visit another stylist who I know that saw what I went through and was then able to give me the color I wanted. Now, I look back at the situation and laugh, but some of y'all act like you've never had a bad hair experience.

/r/ExpectationVsReality Thread Link -