Funny bot idea: Create a bot on Reddit that only provides racist quotes from famous men and women in American history

If you know what a CPU is without knowing that the letters in "CPU", can't you just make that connection by yourself?

if people had infinite time, they could learn everything a kid could learn, but in reality we shouldn't spend our time learning all kinds of things we don't need to use

Are you some failed wannabe philosopher? You don't sound smart, you sound dense as shit. You can't comprehend anything without overanalzying it to the point, where it's not even something I said.

If I would study Chinese culture, I would learn Chinese, but I don't. Your analogies are really fucking horrible, just stop making them and stop replying to me. Fuck off back to normie reddit with your shitty subs, you fucking brainlet. After reading your post history, I see it's not even worth trying to "talk" to you. You win, this is the common BS in CS:

helo i make computer do beep boop, i have no idea what is inside, i am only computer man, not take-apart-computer man

Please kill yourself.

/r/milliondollarextreme Thread Parent