The future looks bright..../s By 2020 white children will be a minority in the USA

Hey there, thanks for the reply.

Are you Indian? The only people I've seen apologize so many times for saying something completely inoffensive are Indians. I encourage you to think more highly of yourself and not be ashamed of your own existence or opinions. There is absolutely nothing wrong or offensive with what you just posted, so you should stand behind it proudly.

The US used to have a system like what you're describing and it was called "segregation". Separate, but equal. It was abolished with the "civil rights act" in the 60's, largely because of jewish influence. Just a simple google image search will show you that black Americans at that time were much more wholesome than today.

I am a nationalist. Taking what you just described to it's full extension... I could say that such boundaries have always existed. They're called countries. On a smaller level, they're called homes and families. Humans separate themselves like you described by their very nature.

The issue that we have, ultimately, is that white countries are being undermined by jewish interests in order to push their goal of white genocide and eventually, total jewish dominance. Even in a city that happens to be majority white, companies have to meet "diversity" guidelines, or they can be subjected to lawsuits and various penalties, aside from bad publicity. Whites and Asians are denied admission to universities. Minority's violent hate crime is excused, defended, and sometimes even praised.

Again, what you're talking about is simply what people do naturally. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but in the West, jewish interests completely undermine white people. Pakistanis gleefully rape English children, but the English are punished for reporting it to the police because "that's racist." These crimes are willfully hidden and distorted by the jewish-controlled media.

Finally, my response wouldn't be complete without mentioning immigration. White Americans overwhelmingly want immigration massively reduced and illegal immigrants deported. The jews in power obviously don't; both political parties are working to ensure that mass illegal immigration continue unimpeded.

Americans tried to speak up by electing Republicans who swore that they'd stop it. Yet immediately, upon getting elected, they supported illegal amnesty.

Humans naturally want what you said, but white people's desire for the very same are being undermined by jews in order to exterminate them.

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