G*** is older than you think [TRC]

Listen to you, "objectively worse than DaS3" you're fucking hilarious. You know someone is insecure about their opinion when they start pulling out the "I'm objectively right!" shit.

Yeah, DS3 is objectively better with its shit poise system and ultra-fast gameplay that "objectively" rips off Bloodborne. But you don't like the Bloodborne mechanics? That's a direct contradiction since DS3 is basically "Dark Souls: Bloodborne Edition." It's an uneven, inconsistent mishmash of Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1.

And you know your game is fucked up when you can get infinitely staggered by a naked zombie wielding a toothpick while you're wearing full Havel's with the Wolf Ring +3. Dark Souls 3's mechanics are almsost as bad as Dark Souls 2's.

You're damn right I'm a Dark Souls 1 fanboy. It's a great game that was tarnished by people like you wanting fucking sequels. Miyazaki himself has stated many times he doesn't like the idea of sequels.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne are all fantastic games. 2 and 3 are cash grabs and you fell for it. The DLCs are even worse. None of them fucking compare to the masterpiece that is Artorias of the Abyss.

I'm sorry you're such a cunt and just take whatever's given to you without criticism. You're the type of person that has no opinion. You just go with the grain and like what everyone else likes. You don't have the mental capacity or ability to make your own opinion. I pity people like you.

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