“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them”


When I first arrived in the Irithyll, I took it as a clear homage to our glorious first arrival at DS1's Anor Londo, but Irithyll felt very much like it's own thing, so I put the idea of "recreated Anor Londo" out of my mind.

Then, when I got to this room with the black knights, I felt like it was specifically a nod to the Ornstein/Smough/Gwynevere arena, with similar layout and references. But this is where I assumed the references to Anor Londo would stop.

But lo and behold, I found myself tickled with excitement and anticipation when the Silver Knight archers started shooting from their familiar buttresses, and a massive grin, half-expecting/half-shocked, came across my face when I found Gwyn's tomb and staircase. I knew what awaited me above, but it wasn't until I was looking up at the cathedral itself and the words ANOR LONDO were on screen that I truly allowed myself to believe I was back.

One of the most magical and fun moments in the franchise (especially with DS3 as a love letter to the players) and FROM did a great job at keeping me guessing.

/r/darksouls3 Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it