Gameplay needs to be more FUN...

For me where everything breaks down is in the perks system. I've tried going through and finding options that I feel like should work for my style of game play. But nothing seems to compliment me.

I like to get into melee fights but it seems like everyone is an expert using the back stab perk when I do try to fight with that style. I can't tell you how many times i've had someone hit me just a few times in a row and i'm dead. But i'll have hit them at least 5-7 times and they still have 3/4 health.

So i'll go play, get my ass kicked. Then i'll go and pick perks that kind of help with the situation I was in. Then I go play again and get my ass kicked by someone using a different build of perks that my set of perks now doesn't help against at all.

I have become increasingly frustrated as the patches have gone on. My enjoyment of the game has gone down and I can't seem to kill anyone anymore. I understand the game shouldn't just be easy but i'm not a newbie when it comes to playing games at all.

So that is why I was trying to focus on the fun part of the game if I was going to complain. If the pool of players is just getting to small and full of experienced players then it'd be nice to see a way to try and combat this. If that is the case it may ironically end up being the death of this community.

If it is the patches then i'd say the devs are on the wrong track.

I find the whole thing incredibly frustrating because I can't begin to describe how much FUN this game was when it came out. I didn't mind if I wasn't winning rounds. I was taking 2 people out with me every round at least. Now i'm lucky if I can manage 1 kill.

My first thought to fix this would be adding a casual mode of play like Counter-Strike. Or a more newbie friendly map maybe.

I really do think this needs to be addressed. The reason i'm even here saying anything is because my friend I was playing this game with won't even play it now.

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