GameStop have just confirmed no synthetic shares OR over voting in a statement from their lawyers. They have just debunked MOASS.

In this place I would like give a festive fuck you to gamestop and its board.

You were saved & built up by the people buying overpriced stuff and holding your stock. In one of your statements (I really don't give a fuck about which one was it at this point) you told the investors to beware of losing a vast amount of their money due to a short squeeze (or squeezes) and then you made an ATM of freshly printed shares. I waited patiently, watching how a company makes a piggybank out of it's investors. You paid off you dues, which I thought was good, but then again, it's much easier to go bankrupt for a company which has no debt and shortly after to take what is left, isn't it?

Now you tell everybody to go and fuck themselves in the court, cause there is no legal way of picking up a glimpse into your books. Not financial advice: sell this stock before it goes back down to less than a dollar. No transformation, no plan, no nothing. Just a bunch of bull crap spread through the internet.

I don't believe you have an ace in your sleeve, not anymore. The price is pumped solely thanks to a cult of apes who still believe. But not much longer. You used your investors to gain money, it was always about the money and now I will watch you flee by selling your shares. Just like the popcorn stock stuff did.

This is all getting boring. 741 basis. Fuck you once again.

/r/gme_meltdown Thread Link -