Gender and buddhism

my thinking at this point: all the interacting parts of personal identity are constantly shifting, ever-changing (anicca). there is no eternal 'me' that can be said to have a gender, or any permanent characteristic (anatta). and yet i exist in this world, in this body. i have distinct characteristics at this time, in this reality (maya).
these characteristics, the interacting parts of personality, must be generated by a combination of biology and society. nature/nurture is a false dichotomy. these are constantly influencing each other, at base inseparable. somehow, in this bodymind, some of these characteristics are at odds with others. this has occurred at a level deeper than conscious or semi-conscious thought.
i don't feel that i have an inherent gender identity. and yet, i know that taking steps toward transitioning relieves some deep sense of dissonance within myself.
i think that there doesn't have to be a concept of 'gender identity' for transitioning to be valid. it's a journey. it's part of my path. everything is a great mystery, and we're all following breadcrumbs.

/r/genderfluid Thread