Do I pass as a guy?

Its all your eyes. Their dark and your eyebrows are high, very femine, but also very pretty. I wouldnt be so quick to try and cover up your femininity, as thats what you are. Have you ever asked yourself why you desire to appear masculine? For me, a male, my ocasional desire to appear feminine comes from a fear that perhaps I wont be accepted as what I wish I was. I fear that I wont be taken as the girl I desire to be. But thats just that, a fear. Since when was it good to give into your fears? The truth of love is unconditional. Unconditional means despite your appearance. If your actively trying to be taken as something that you are not, then youre undermining true loves unconditionality by apply conditions. Be proud of who and what you are. But thats irrelavent really. The real truth of love isnt finding someone that loves you unconditionally, but finding someone that you love unconditionally. Too often people stare into the mirror, wondering why love passes them by, wondering what it is about themselves thats flawed, all the while potential partners remain out of sight. Lookimg in the mirror youll never be happy. Youre trying to fall in love with yourself, and you never will because your trying to validate your self love with what others think. Others who you do not love. Love is not a one way street. Unconditonal love can only go two ways. Umconditional love without return is worship. Do you want to be worshipped? Love isnt about finding some one thay loves you, but someone that you love. Youll never fall in love with any one if you spend all your time trying to fall in love with yourself.

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