is "gender equality" that important?

The bottom line is that you cannot choose the sex you were born in. Most people do not want to have their options restricted based on something that they had no say in. That's why many men in Singapore have negative attitudes to NS, and why many women do not take kindly to expectations that confine them in "female" roles. For that matter, there are a number of men who dislike traditional "male" roles/stereotypes as well, as these can keep them out of "female" jobs like nursing or teaching. Constantly being perceived as the weaker gender, even in areas that don't require physical strength, will certainly limit a woman based on the sex she was born in...

why do girls want to be as strong as a guy?

Here you imply that women are not as strong as men, i.e. men are stronger...

this has come to a point where certain female acclaimed superior of us men. (...) what is so good about being the stronger one in the gender standing?

... And then you ask "what's so good about being the stronger gender?" If you believe that being considered the stronger gender isn't that great, then why are you unhappy about women trying to take up this not-so-great role?

Anyway, it's unrealistic to expect an entire gender of people to be willing to accept a certain kind of role just because they are born in that gender. Aspirations and personality traits are determined by many other factors, not just your sex organs.

Last question - as a man, do you feel you should do things that a woman doesn't/shouldn't have to? If so, why would you want this to continue to be the case?

/r/singapore Thread