Generally curious what feats does kidd and law have respectively that put them massively above zoro ?

I mean it's difficult for me to even rate that fight, because it's a fight with no conclusion. There is 1 hit where they match each other and 1 hit where Luffy sends Lucci flying and then Lucci showed no damage after. For example a low diff to me is Vegapunk's robot getting one shot and actually being broken, needing help. I don't know if I can consider Luffy - Lucci a fight, rather than them feeling each other out. To me it's clear Oda didn't want to show too much in this introduction, because the real fight is still coming up. This is like Shanks blocking Akainu in Marineford.

What does it really mean if there is 1 hit, no real damage needing medical help, no conclusion..

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