The genius known as "the dragon" is simply too smart for /r/IAmA

It's not an expression of intelligence, it's a marketing strategy. Let me give you some other examples of the same principle in action:

I have no issue with the core principles of feminism, but certain feminists go out of their way to make a big stink about the worst cases to support their ideology. There was an infamous case in Cali where a chick texted her friend that she was gonna fuck a guy, asked him if he had condoms, went over and fucked him, and then said he raped her and reported him to the authorities. He got kicked out of college. It was the absolute worst case to try and make an argument about "rape culture," but the best case if your real goal is to draw attention to yourself and your cause. It's a power play, by talking about something controversial and divisive you get the whole country yelling at each other, taking ideological sides, and you gain power. If you had a case where some chick legit gets dragged into some bushes and raped it's not going to be as big of a deal, because everyone agrees- fuck whoever did that and bury them under the prison.

The same thing happened with Trayvon Martin. Say what you will about the case, but people who intend to commit murder generally don't call the police first, and with the police showing up seconds after the event it's impossible he faked his wounds. Also Zimmerman is Mexican. Also he's not a cop. You'd think that would be an isolated incident, where Zimmerman is just a douchebag and we hold him accountable, right? Wrong, national race relations break down completely and there are riots. People are still arguing about the case to this day. My point isn't that I think one way or the other, my point is that if you're advancing a narrative about black oppression it's actually better to use a terrible case like Martin than a rock-solid case like Garner, because everyone agrees on Garner. Fucking Bill O' Reily agrees on Garner, how are you going to make anything out of that? You need controversy and national outrage.

This guy's doing something similar. You'd think "Why would you go on the internet and act like a fucking moron to sell a book no one wants?" but this kind of "sandbag marketing" works a lot of the time. Imagine if he just posted a self help book, would he be getting this much attention? You say "Holy fuck naming the book after an eastern classic is a dumb move" but look where we are, discussing it, playing into his hand.

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